Por Ingeniería y Técnicas Clínicas
At ITC we feel committed to those who need it most. That’s why this year we have joined the Child Vaccination Alliance.
For more than 15 years, Fundación “La Caixa” has been promoting the Child Vaccine Alliance in close collaboration with Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, the first public-private partnership in the world whose mission is focused on protecting the health of the population by increasing access to vaccines in the poorest countries.
To date, it has helped vaccinate more than 10 million children in 10 countries, giving them a chance at a future. And this has been made possible thanks to the thousands of companies like ITC that participate in this project as part of their corporate social responsibility.
These 10 million children vaccinated represent an encouraging figure that we hope to significantly exceed by 2024. To this end, Fundación “La Caixa” and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation are committed to multiplying the donations received fourfold.
Once again this year, the full amount of the funds will go towards the distribution of the pneumonia vaccine in Mozambique and Ethiopia to help prevent what is still the leading cause of infant mortality worldwide.