By Ingeniería y Técnicas Clínicas
After more than a year and a half since the beginning of the pandemic, and the confinements, the spanish healthcare business sector has been able to adapt quickly to the situations that arose.
First was the import and production of protection and disinfection systems to combat the coronavirus. Subsequently, and depending on the circumstances in the ICU, companies such as ITC were part of this great technological and logistical challenge given the increase in demand for products related to high-flow respiratory therapies caused by high national hospital pressure.
Being thus capable of overcoming the challenge of adaptation in our country, especially in the peaks of the sanitary crisis, it has also managed to considerably increase its international expansion, supplying, for example, more than twice as many regulators and flowmeters than in previous years to cover the high demand generated by these products, especially the Just Flow C and Just Flow F.
These are essential lines for COVID patients who need to receive oxygen therapy treatments in hospitals with a piped gas network. Only this line of Just Flow products has been able to supply 300% more compared to the previous year, which has also meant an important advance in its export challenge. ITC is present in Asia, Europe, Africa and America, currently obtaining around more than double the sales than in the same period of the previous year.
These are just some examples of the products supplied, but beyond that, other product categories such as the Just Vac vacuum regulator equipment has also been one of the most demanded with an increase in its manufacturing of 169% compared to the same period from the previous year. Other lines such as NOXtec nitric oxide monitoring, or the recent line of Just Plug (conectores y tomas) products (connectors and sockets) continue to generate demand and interest after participating in the last Arab Heath 2021 exhibition, this being the first commercial activity after the pandemic.
A year and a half after the start of this health crisis and until mid-September 2021 there have been a total of 226 million cases of this disease worldwide, to which ITC, thanks to its experience in the health sector, continues to provide significant help to mitigate its effects.